Our Teaching Pedagogy

We have introduced a series of reforms and innovations in our pedagogy to make Physics teaching-learning process exciting. Some of these are listed here. 

Upgraded Syllabi

UG and PG Syllabi has been upgraded to strengthen all the experimental and theoretical  fundamentals, impart new skills and learn  advanced application based courses. The program enables a student to have a strong footing in life after graduation. Both,  a research career or a job after graduation, new syllabi empower student to navigate with ease. 

Zero Rote Learning

Since ages the complain was that our learning is too much rote. We decided to tackle this problem head on. Our question papers are now mostly analysis and application based. Even the memory based questions are different from what has been discussed in the class. A student is forced to dig deeper in the subject as a greater understanding is needed to succeed. 

Integrated Laboratory

Our lab course has a strong correlation between theory and experiments. Students get a deeper insight in the course understanding.  We continuously work on introducing new experiments  and modern equipments so that students get a good hands on with latest possible lab techniques. 

Contemporary Learning

Physics is progressing every passing day. A modern graduate must be aware of these developments. We ask our students to do a regular literature review in each course. Theses reviews are done on research papers of last five years. This helps students and teachers both to be aware of the latest developments in their courses. Some of these research are recreated  in the lab by the students.  

Project Based Learning

We have introduced a thorough Project Based Learning mechanism. In each course student does a short project tethered to the course.  This not only helps students to understand the course better but also learn thinking independently, improve their lab skills and take initiatives. Since we start projects early in first semester itself it gives students time to do trial and error and learn form mistakes. 


In the final semester we require our students to do a large semester long  experimental project from any one of the disciplines of the Physics. They also get exposure to write a proposal and thesis. This gives them much important confidence before passing out.   

Promoting Academic Talent

An acedemic system must give enough apportunity to students to express their creativity. We have introduced annual programmes like PROBE (Student Research Seminar) and Jigyasa (The Physics Exhibition) where talented students get a platform to explore and express their scientific work. They are competitive in nature and are examined by external judges.

New Courses

After autonomy we streamlined the course structure and remove redundancies. This helped us  to reshape many old courses and introduce many new courses. Some of such courses are  Astronomy & Astrophysics, Acoustics, Digital Image Processing, Applied Physics (TY), Measurement, Science of watercolour art etc. Some of these are industry specific and much needed for contemporary research. 

Mastering Applications

To improve the student's problem solving abilities we give  assignments in every course. Students are generally given a course plan where pre and post lecture activities are clearly marked. These assignments are also the basis of evaluation in end semester exam.These measures help students in better learning of applications, better understanding of concept and in entrance exams

Students can choose their own path

For  students their courses matter when they apply for PG/PhD courses or a for a job. Here they have an opportunity to choose courses and project topics to propel their career. For example, if one is interested in astrophysics he/she can select project topics of different courses which leads to astrophysics and make a unique CV for their future progress. What more? They can also control the difficulty level of their project making learning suitably paced.